Exploring High Dimensional Data

feature engineering
machine learning



January 22, 2023

Exploring High Dimensional Data

It will introduce us to dimensionality reduction and explain why and when it is important. It will also teach us the difference between feature selection and feature extraction, and we’ll learn how to apply both techniques for data exploration. Finally, the chapter covers t-SNE, a powerful feature extraction method for analyzing high-dimensional data.

This Exploring High Dimensional Data is part of Datacamp course: Hypothesis Testing in Python

This is my learning experience of data science through DataCamp

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10, 5)
pokemon_df = pd.read_csv('dataset/pokemon_gen1.csv')
HP Attack Defense Generation Name Type Legendary
0 45 49 49 1 Bulbasaur Grass False
1 60 62 63 1 Ivysaur Grass False
2 80 82 83 1 Venusaur Grass False
3 80 100 123 1 VenusaurMega Venusaur Grass False
4 39 52 43 1 Charmander Fire False
HP Attack Defense Generation
count 160.00000 160.00000 160.000000 160.0
mean 64.61250 74.98125 70.175000 1.0
std 27.92127 29.18009 28.883533 0.0
min 10.00000 5.00000 5.000000 1.0
25% 45.00000 52.00000 50.000000 1.0
50% 60.00000 71.00000 65.000000 1.0
75% 80.00000 95.00000 85.000000 1.0
max 250.00000 155.00000 180.000000 1.0
Name Type Legendary
count 160 160 160
unique 160 15 1
top Bulbasaur Water False
freq 1 31 160


Removing features without variance

A sample of the Pokemon dataset has been loaded as pokemon_df. To get an idea of which features have little variance to calculate summary as above statistics on this sample. Then adjust the code to create a smaller, easier to understand, dataset.

# Remove the feature without variance from this list
number_cols = ['HP', 'Attack', 'Defense']

# Leave this list as is for now
non_number_cols = ['Name', 'Type', 'Legendary']

# Sub-select by combining the lists with chosen features
df_selected = pokemon_df[number_cols + non_number_cols]

# Prints the first 5 lines of the new DataFrame
   HP  Attack  Defense                   Name   Type  Legendary
0  45      49       49              Bulbasaur  Grass      False
1  60      62       63                Ivysaur  Grass      False
2  80      82       83               Venusaur  Grass      False
3  80     100      123  VenusaurMega Venusaur  Grass      False
4  39      52       43             Charmander   Fire      False
# Leave this list as is
number_cols = ['HP', 'Attack', 'Defense']

# Remove the feature without variance from this list
non_number_cols = ['Name', 'Type' ]

# Create a new dataframe by subselecting the chosen features
df_selected = pokemon_df[number_cols + non_number_cols]

# Prints the first 5 lines of the new dataframe
   HP  Attack  Defense                   Name   Type
0  45      49       49              Bulbasaur  Grass
1  60      62       63                Ivysaur  Grass
2  80      82       83               Venusaur  Grass
3  80     100      123  VenusaurMega Venusaur  Grass
4  39      52       43             Charmander   Fire

All Pokemon in this dataset are non-legendary and from generation one so you could choose to drop those two features.

Feature selection vs feature extraction

  • Why reduce dimensionality?
    • Your dataset will:
      • be less complex
      • require less disk space
      • require less computation time
      • have lower chance of model overfitting
Figure 1: feature

Visually detecting redundant features

Data visualization is a crucial step in any data exploration. Let’s use Seaborn to explore some samples of the US Army ANSUR body measurement dataset.

ansur_df_1 = pd.read_csv('dataset/ansur_df_1.csv')
ansur_df_2 = pd.read_csv('dataset/ansur_df_2.csv')
# Create a pairplot and color the points using the 'Gender' feature
sns.pairplot(ansur_df_1, hue='Gender', diag_kind='hist');

# Remove one of the redundant features
reduced_df = ansur_df_1.drop('body_height', axis=1)

# Creat a pairplot and color the points using the 'Gender' feature
sns.pairplot(reduced_df, hue='Gender');

# Create a pairplot and color the points using the 'Gender' feature
sns.pairplot(ansur_df_2, hue='Gender', diag_kind='hist');

# Remove the redundant feature
reduced_df = ansur_df_2.drop(['n_legs'], axis=1)

# Create a pairplot and color the points using the 'Gender' feature
sns.pairplot(reduced_df, hue='Gender', diag_kind='hist');

the body height (inches) and stature (meters) hold the same information in a different unit + all the individuals in the second sample have two legs.

t-SNE visualization of high-dimensional

t-SNE-1 t-SNE-2 t-SNE-3

Fitting t-SNE to the ANSUR data

t-SNE is a great technique for visual exploration of high dimensional datasets. In this exercise, you’ll apply it to the ANSUR dataset. You’ll remove non-numeric columns from the pre-loaded dataset df and fit TSNE to his numeric dataset.

ansur_male = pd.read_csv('dataset/ANSUR_II_MALE.csv')
ansur_female = pd.read_csv('dataset/ANSUR_II_FEMALE.csv')

df = pd.concat([ansur_male, ansur_female])
Branch Component Gender abdominalextensiondepthsitting acromialheight acromionradialelength anklecircumference axillaheight balloffootcircumference balloffootlength ... waistdepth waistfrontlengthsitting waistheightomphalion wristcircumference wristheight weight_kg stature_m BMI BMI_class Height_class
0 Combat Arms Regular Army Male 266 1467 337 222 1347 253 202 ... 240 440 1054 175 853 81.5 1.776 25.838761 Overweight Tall
1 Combat Support Regular Army Male 233 1395 326 220 1293 245 193 ... 225 371 1054 167 815 72.6 1.702 25.062103 Overweight Normal
2 Combat Support Regular Army Male 287 1430 341 230 1327 256 196 ... 255 411 1041 180 831 92.9 1.735 30.861480 Overweight Normal
3 Combat Service Support Regular Army Male 234 1347 310 230 1239 262 199 ... 205 399 968 176 793 79.4 1.655 28.988417 Overweight Normal
4 Combat Service Support Regular Army Male 250 1585 372 247 1478 267 224 ... 214 379 1245 188 954 94.6 1.914 25.823034 Overweight Tall

5 rows × 99 columns

from sklearn.manifold import TSNE

# Non-numeric columns in the dataset
non_numeric = ['Branch', 'Gender', 'Component', 'BMI_class', 'Height_class']

# Drop the non-numeric columns from df
df_numeric = df.drop(non_numeric, axis=1)

# Create a t-SNE model with learning rate 50
m = TSNE(learning_rate=50)

# fit and transform the t-SNE model on the numeric dataset
tsne_features = m.fit_transform(df_numeric)
C:\Users\dghr201\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\sklearn\manifold\_t_sne.py:800: FutureWarning: The default initialization in TSNE will change from 'random' to 'pca' in 1.2.
(6068, 2)

t-SNE reduced the more than 90 features in the dataset to just 2 which you can now plot.

t-SNE visualisation of dimensionality

Time to look at the results of your hard work. In this exercise, you will visualize the output of t-SNE dimensionality reduction on the combined male and female Ansur dataset. You’ll create 3 scatterplots of the 2 t-SNE features ('x' and 'y') which were added to the dataset df. In each scatterplot you’ll color the points according to a different categorical variable.

df['x'] = tsne_features[:, 0]
df['y'] = tsne_features[:, 1]
# Color the points according to Army Component
sns.scatterplot(x='x', y='y', hue='Component', data=df)
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='x', ylabel='y'>

# Color the points by Army Branch
sns.scatterplot(x='x', y='y', hue='Branch', data=df);

# Color the points by Gender
sns.scatterplot(x='x', y='y', hue='Gender', data=df);

There is a Male and a Female cluster. t-SNE found these gender differences in body shape without being told about them explicitly! From the second plot you learned there are more males in the Combat Arms Branch.